Heralding a Responsible Approach
To achieve our corporate objective in an efficient, safe, cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner, we enter into close collaboration and dialogue with relevant stakeholders at an early stage in the exploration process and seek to gain as much knowledge and understanding of possible environmental effects as possible.
Philux Energy always has company representatives on board the seismic vessels, and we also operate under the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) guidelines for minimizing the risk of injury and disturbance to marine mammals from seismic surveys.
We focus strongly and essentially on successful coexistence with other industries when collecting seismic data.
In the planning stage, we have close dialogue with fisheries and other stakeholders to minimize the disturbance caused by the seismic acquisition and prevent conflicts.
Ever since we produced our first oil, we, in conjunction with the government authorities in our host countries have contributed to improved coexistence between the fisheries and petroleum industry and provided guidance when companies like ours explore new areas for oil and gas.
Based on this expertise and collaboration, we conscientiously believe we are well prepared for taking on new exploration projects, whilst working closely with local interests.