Our Prime Business Principles
Our Business Principles have for many years been fundamental to our huge and monumental business success, however, we have a tendency to conduct our business in a transparent, efficient, accountable and profit-oriented manner and living by them is particularly crucial to our continued success.
Our Core Corporate Values
Philux Energy workers share a collection of core values –honesty, help-eager mien, cheerfulness, integrity and respect for people. We also firmly believe in the fundamental importance of trust, accountability, probity, openness, teamwork and professionalism, and we take a lot of pride in what we do.
Our Climate and Sustainable Development Strides
As a part of our core business principles, we attempt to contribute to sustainable development. This often requires balancing short- and long-term interests, integrating economic, environmental and social considerations into business decision-making. We think of the future by not compromising tomorrow’s gain for immediate benefits, whilst we remain committed to climate change benchmarks on ozone layer depletion, greenhouse gas emission and low carbon targets.