Philux Energy is potentially one of the most promising and the best refined gas producers in the United States of America. It is poised to extend its operations to the Norwegian continental shelf, the United Kingdom Continental Shelf and the Nigerian Exclusive Economic Zone, EEZ. Philux Energy has been projected to be one of the largest gas suppliers in the United States of America, Europe and Africa by 2050. The combined gas volumes Philux projects to deal in constitute more than 25 percent of the gas market in America and Europe.
Our Gas Sales Projections
1000mmcm/day Gas to be sold from our operating fields in the United States of America by 2021
1700mmcm/day Gas to be sold from our partner-operated fields in the United Kingdom Contintental Shelf, UKCS by 2025
2750mmcm/day Gas to be sold in the Americas, Europe and Africa by 2029
In Europe, our most vital markets for gas according to our projections are Germany, Netherlands, England and France.
Philux also has an impressive market in liquid natural gas (LNG) from many fields across the United States of America, Europe and Africa ferried by specialized ships to our retinue of customers worldwide. The global LNG market is growing, and we are poised to supplying LNG cargoes to more than 50 countries by year 2020.
In the USA, Philux Energy has shares and production capacity drive in over five premium shale oil and gas plays. Our refined gas is employed for energy production, heating, and industrial purposes across the Americas, Europe and Africa.
Through our current and prospective transport route agreements to Atlanta, Oklahoma and Ontario, residents can keep winter temperatures at bay with shale gas from our fields.
In Nigeria, Philux is billed to operate 5 gas fields and the gas and condensate field in America and Europe are gearing up for Philux Energy. Philux equally has a number of prospective Joint Operating Agreements with Nigeria’s state-owned oil and gas company, NNPC in the works, with a projection to take over the gas market in sub-saharan Africa.
We also are the present and prospective operator for a number of exploration licenses across America, United Kingdom and Nigeria independently and in some other cases, co-owned with our partner(s).
Philux Energy has sales offices for gas in London (Great Britain) and (USA). In addition to selling our own gas, we also help in the facilitation of sales of other producers’ legitimate gas volumes. With the government’s gas from State’s Direct Financial Interest on the several continental shelves under our radar, (SDFI) and our own gas combined, we are billed to be potentially in charge of marketing and selling about 30 percent of gas in our operational domains of operation by year 2030.
Traditionally, most of Philux Energy’s gas are usually sold on long-term agreements to large American and European gas industries and suppliers. In the absence of a separate value for gas, the sale price has often been indexed to the price of oil.
In recent years, market liberalization has contributed to breaking up traditional value chains in America, Europe and Africa. The transport network has been opened up for use on equal terms for everyone. This has given us new opportunities in this market. We are now selling an increasing share of the gas through established markets for gas trading—so-called hubs—as well as directly to end-users.
Through commercial negotiations with our several high net worth counterparts, we have modernized most of our long-term contracts and gradually moved away from oil indexing. The price of gas is now directly linked to the price in the market places.